Women in Difficult Circumstances Project, Makwanpur

The prevalence of girl trafficking in Nepal is astounding. It is estimated that Between 7,000 and 10,000 girls, between the ages of 9-16, are trafficked each year from Nepal to India. More than 200,000 Nepalese girls are involved in the Indian sex trade. Efforts to stop girl trafficking have been seriously constrained by both cultural taboos and the government’s reluctance to address girl trafficking.

The WDC project was implemented to sensitize and aware community people about the consequences of human trafficking to individual, family, and community, understanding means and ends of human trafficking and unsafe migration,  prosecution of human trafficking cases, reintegrating survivors in their family and the community. Based on the baseline survey, the major reason for trafficking is poverty, education/awareness, and lack of women’s access to decision making. So the project also intervenes in livelihood opportunities and empowering women for their participation and access to decision making in their home and the community.

The project made a significant contribution to minimizing human trafficking, generate income through livelihood entrepreneurship and unite women in a group and strengthen the collaboration of community, organization, and government to act against social evils like trafficking, gender violence, child marriage, and social discrimination.


Mid July 2009 – Mid-July 2012


Churiyamai, Padampokhari, Hatiya, Basamadi & Manahari VDCs, and Hetaunda Municipality of Makawanpur District

Supporting Partner:

TEARFUND New Zealand


Improve in the protection of girl children and women from trafficking in Hetauda municipality and 4 adjoining VDCs of Makwanpur district by 15 July 2012


  • Enhance the knowledge and understanding of an estimated 10,000 men and women in Hetauda municipality and 3 VDCs about the trafficking of women and girls and its consequences by 15 July 2012.
  • Promote girl child education and facilitate adolescent development within the target area by 15 July 2012.
  • Develop sustainable livelihood opportunities for approximately 130 women and girls who have been victims and  vulnerable to trafficking by 15 July 2012.
  • Assist /facilitate in the reintegration of an estimated 70 trafficked women and their children into the society by 15 July 2012.
  • Facilitate medical treatment for an estimated 30 trafficked women and their children who have developed HIV / AIDS and STI (sexually transmitted infections) by 15 July 2012.

Thematic Priorities:

  • Anti-human Trafficking
  • Adolescent Girls Development
  • Livelihood & Entrepreneurship
  • Re-integration
  • Health