About Us

Background History

“Love your neighbour as you love yourself” is the Bible verse and “prevention is better than cure” is a common saying that inspired Ramesh Kumar Khadka, a young Nepali visionary, to start a movement. Share and Care Nepal was established in 1993 with a commitment to reach out to all in need without bias and was officially registered on January 15, 1994 as a Faith-Based Non Government Organization (NGO). On June 22, 1994, SCN took over the management of health clinic project in Pharping from United Mission to Nepal (UMN). Learning from the training in Jamkhed (1995), India, the entire program was reviewed and changed its approach from “Charity and Welfare” to “Change and Development” and has been empowering and transforming communities since. In no time, a simple scripture verse and saying, which had inspired one man and his team, began to inspire many others to reach out and make a difference in people’s prosperous life.

SCN while developing its strategies has been taking 5 years as a benchmark: 1st five years – The Beginning of the Movement 1994-1998, 2nd five years – The Years of Growth & Expansion 1999-2003, 3rd five year – The Years of Enrichment 2004-2008, 4th five year – The Years of Attainment of Dreams 2009-2013 and at the last recent 5 year plan – The Years of Hope and Joy 2014-2018. To move on to next stage as the country is moving towards bring lot of changes and using the learning SCN has developed this strategic concept as an initial step for developing the next 5 years Strategic Plan.

Our Vision

We envision transformed and harmonious communities living a prosperous life.

Our Mission

Making a difference in the lives of the people by reaching out to vulnerable communities.

Our Values

We are committed to work with individual, family and communities with concern for their well being through:
Love: Sharing and Caring
Respect: Honoring every being
Integrity: Aligning thought, speech and action
Service: Get it done and do it well

Our Objectives

  • Create tangible transformation in the lives of poor and vulnerable people.
  • Improve food security and livelihood of the urban and rural communities.
  • Combating trafficking, exploitation and slavery at the community level.
  • Capacity enhancement and organisational development at the National level.
  • Transforming individuals into value based community development professionals.

Strategic Priorities

  • Continue and expand the tangible transformation/development projects
  • Exploring opportunities for new partnerships for developing new programs
  • Capacity enhancing of local government, line agencies, NGO/CBOs, and churches
  • Producing and sharing best practices of 25 years of experience in community development
  • Develop the Transformation Center into a self sufficient enterprise

Thematic Priorities

  • Community empowerment
  • Food security and livelihood
  • Combating trafficking
  • Organizational development
  • Transforming people and transforming communities

Cross – Cutting Issues

  • Gender equity and social inclusion
  • Child rights
  • Advocacy rights of differently-able people
  • Environment and Disaster mitigation