Safe Drinking Water Project, Lamatar, Lalitpur

Identifying the need and possibilities, Share and Care Nepal executed a ‘Safe Drinking Water Project at Lamatar, Ward 7 in partnership with Tear Fund UK. According to plan, 28 new public taps have been installed and completed necessary maintenance and new construction of 3 catchments, 2 reservoir tanks, 1 sedimentation (filtration) tanks. Various sub-activities were organized during the community mobilization process. In the past, the community has limited water supply and the quality of water was poor, now they have access to water for 24 hours in the rainy season and at least 6 hours water supply for the rest of the season. As water is source is preserved, pipes are maintained, catchments and reservoir tanks are constructed new and water is passed through the sedimentation/filtration process, the quality of water is clean and safe to drink.


Jan 2010-July 2010


Lamatar-7, Lalitpur

Supporting Partners:



  • Access to Safe Drinking Water for 210 families (1000 members) with access to safe drinking water through the construction of 28 public taps in ward 7 of Lamatar VDC of Lalitpur District.

Thematic Priorities:

  • Safe Drinking Water