Sunita Gurung

I am a fourth batch participant of the Diploma Course on Community Development & Management (CDM) organized by Share and Care Nepal. I am currently working as Project Coordinator at Himalaya Education Centre, Nepal (HECN) in Sankhuwasabha. The CDM course is very effective and useful for me to enhance my capacity. I learned the theoretical and practical aspects of proposal writing, reporting, donor relations, and public speaking, etc. during a year course program. In the residential course, we went in field visits at Chalnakhel and observed the houses and garden made with locally available materials and wastage such as bottles, tires, straw, etc. that encouraged me to build a house like that in my village too.

After the residential course, we have built a house using waste materials such as bottles, tires, and bamboo, etc. We have now set up our office, small kitchen, and ladies hostel in a newly established house. I used shy girls before the training, now I am confident, capable, and skilled to run the project activities successfully.