Siddhartha Farmer Group

Siddhartha Farmer’s Actions Group (FAG) has organized the farmers of Baikuntha village. These farmers were working as individuals, growing traditional crops based on their conventional knowledge and skills. The farmer group trained them on vegetable farming, growing off-seasonal vegetables in the plastic tunnel introduced them to new varieties of vegetable, fruit, and cash crops. The farmer group has been able to register them in the government body so that they are recognized by the government and have access to resources and benefits for farmers. As a result, the farmers have received the number of training, learning/exposure opportunities, and supports like seeds, saplings, plastic tunnel sets, irrigation, livelihood package, agriculture equipment. 

Now, Siddhartha FAG has been functioning smoothly. They have regular meetings, saving and credit activities, planning with effective implementation, and set up their office. The farmer group members are engaged in commercial vegetable/cash crops farming with improved took, knowledge, and skills. They have also livestock farming like a goat, buffalo, pig, poultry, etc. Every member is earning NRs. 25,000 to NRs. 1,50,000 every year from livestock and vegetable farming business. Siddhartha FAG has established the Farmer Cooperative with additional non-farmer members to expand their scope. They now have large savings and credit schemes for everyone. They have constructed their own office and collection center of vegetable products with the support of NRs. 300,000 from Rural Municipal and contribution for farmers and community members.

Furthermore, the cooperative has received Rs. 600,000 from Agriculture Knowledge Center (an organization) as grant support, 50% subsidies to buy breeding male goats, training on goat farming, and 6 quintal seed potato from Agriculture Center (government). Now the Siddhartha Farmer Group and it’s Farmers’ Cooperative have become a recognized institution that takes care of almost all businesses of agriculture and livestock in the community. When the farmer group was formed two years ago, the members never thought of having such big responsibility, authority, and recognition for agriculture and livestock development in their community.