Maar Lama

My brick home got damaged during the earthquake in the year 2015. We had to live in the community shelter for short period. We were worried about shelter because the monsoon was about to start. At this chaos and nervousness, Share and Care supported CGI sheets and tools to set up transitional shelter, that was a big help to keep us safe from rain. After some months, we run out of our food and saving. Due to my old age and disability, I could not migrate for a job. My young son was a student so I could not send him for a job. Then again, Share and Care offered entrepreneurship opportunities for earthquake-affected families, I choose poultry farming based on my capacity and interest.

Me, my wife and a son started poultry farming with the support of chicks, feeding equipment, and poultry feed for chicks. We started to make income after three months. We manage daily needs from income and reinvested saving to buy more chicks. After six months, the income becomes regular, and started to build back our livelihood. We have continued poultry, we have to rebuild our house with saving and some grants from the government. I have vegetable production in my garden for consumption, regular income from poultry, and easy life.