Comprehensive Primary Health Care Project (CPHCP), Kathmandu & Lalitpur

After the initial three years empowerment process in the community of the 2 VDCs namely Chalnakhel and Setidevi and the suggestion/recommendation received through the evaluation carried out in December 2004 the community had further requested Share and Care Nepal to continue the support in facilitating in the capacity strengthening to respond to social, education, health, economic and environmental issues. During the first three years the communities have been sensitized and their awareness has been raised (and capacity building on development initiative) but the evaluation indicates that they still need more support to sustain the development initiatives started by the project, therefore the project proposed to continue the activities in the 2 VDC for the next three years. The first two years were to design and implement need-based activities identified by the community groups (and capacity building on institutional development) and last year, i.e. the third year for the smooth hand over of the development initiatives to the communities and extract the learning for future use.

In the two new expansion VDCs namely Dukuchhap and Chhampi, Share and Care Nepal through this project initiated participatory assessment and planning process wherein the target communities where participation in common issues identification, prioritization, and involvement in micro-planning for the respective communities were the main feature. Community members were to be made aware of socio-economic issues affecting them, organized into self-help groups to access credit, manage community health care, and improve their livelihood through mobilizing the local resources.

The program was carried in the four VDCs between Kathmandu and Lalitpur district from February 1, 2002, to March 31, 2008.


February 1, 2002, to March 31, 2008


Chalnakhel & Setidevi VDCs of Kathmandu District & Dukuchhap & Chhampi VDCs of Lalitpur District

Supporting Partners:



  • Strengthen the capacity of the communities to respond appropriately to social, education, economical and legal, health, and environmental issues.
  • Enabling and advocate for the recognition of the role of women in society.
  • Initiate micro-enterprises to improve the economic status of the community with a special focus on the women.
  • Equip farmer groups in improving crop productivity and marketing their product.
  • Developing the local health institutions in providing basic health facilitates to the community.
  • Responding appropriately to a man-made or natural disaster.

Thematic Priorities:

  • Capacity Building
  • Women Empowerment
  • Livelihood and Micro Enterprise Support
  • Agriculture Development
  • Community Health
  • Disaster Management