Dignity project has been in operation at three wards (Bhimphedi, Kogate, and Ipa-Panchakanya) of Bhimphedi Rural Municipal of Makwanpur district for the last three years to empower women and minimize the trafficking at all forms. The Dignity Project is focused on issues like minimizing human trafficking and safe migration, women empowerment, livelihood, community education, and child/adolescent development by mobilizing women groups, adolescent girls group, child club, and schools in coordination with government and like-minded organizations.
Based on our learning and experience in the anti-human trafficking program in the Makwanpur district, the empowerment of women is very essential for protection, prevention, and prosecution from human trafficking. So besides taking care of economic improvement, policy implementation, women empowerment is most important to act against human trafficking. If women have access to resources, they are considered in the decision-making process in family and community and given their right at fullest, will contribute to minimizing trafficking cases in their respective communities.
17th July 2016- 16th July 2021
Bhimphedi, Kogate & Ipapanchakanya(Ward-5,6,7,8) of Bhimphedi RM, Makawanpur District
Supporting Partner:
- Improve awareness and sensitization on human trafficking, its consequences, and safe migration.
- Strengthen processes that promote the social and economic development of women and create an environment for social change.
- Develop sustainable livelihood opportunities for the vulnerable and survivor’s families.
- Promote education to vulnerable students and mobilize schools to act against human trafficking.
- Promote child and adolescent girls to enhance their involvement in social activities and personal qualities/behavior.
Thematic Priorities:
- Human Trafficking and Safe Migration
- Women Empowerment
- Income Generations and Livelihood
- Community Education
- Children and Adolescent Development