
Donations are vital to our work. Without funds we couldn’t be a sustainable organisation that supports hundreds of women and girls worldwide. Our partners and supporters are the key to our success, alone we can do little but together we can change the world.

Volunteer With Us

Volunteering gives you the chance to meet new people, learn new skills and help people get the support they need. While volunteering with us you can choose a role to suit you, you don’t just help but also get back a whole lot more than you give.


Pray with us for the well being of the poor, vulnerable, and marginalized
community. Pray for us, so we could continue our journey and spread love, respect, and service to our neighbors.


We refer our donor as “partner” because giving to Share and Care Nepal is more than a financial contribution. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of the poor and needy.


We organize a package program for Development Tourists, who can enjoy their visit to Nepal and at the same time, learn about community development being in rural communities for short period.


# Share Our Work with Your Friends, Family and Network #